Hear from the band

Interviews with CATWOLF

The Up & Up

“Behold a new musical movement where artistic drive flows boundlessly, and bonds flourish among creatives. Within this captivating setting, there’s a band that personifies this ethos – CATWOLF.”

NH Magazine

“Infused with the woodsy weirdness of White Mountains valley towns and the performative streak of ’60s and ’70s rock icons, CATWOLF taps into a very specific vein. Catching them live is a smooth, electrifying experience…”

TV Showcase

NH Chronicle’s Summer Songfest

“Their songs will have you hitting rewind to play them again!”

-Aired on July 27, 2023 WMUR-9

The Loading Dock

“The individual members melt away into one CATWOLF like the best of all bands..

We’ve checked in every year and let it be known that this band is on a major upward trajectory.”

Radio and Podcasts

Winners of WMWV 93.5 local Song of the Year Contest 2023

Enjoy 3 songs on Woohoos and Go Go Boots! performed acoustically live on 93.5 WMWV as we celebrate winning the local song of the year contest for “Big Bowl of Sunshine”

Get to know the collaborative style of our songwriting process as we discuss the making of “Another Human Being”

Hear how we cheerily came together, the life influences that inspired our appreciation of music, and notes of advice to our younger selves.